Sheng Shampoo's diary

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Mega 雲端空間付費不續期官方檔案保留原則

### Mega 雲端空間付費不續期官方檔案保留原則 Mega 雲端空間, 付費購買的擴充空間, 合約到期後不付費續用, 官方對舊有超出額度檔案的後續原則。 我是這麼認為, 這個問題問其他版友, 或是查詢非官網資料都不準確。 最準確無誤的說法, 不是查詢官網FAQ, 就是透過郵件向官方客服發問。 這無關乎體驗評價, 或是使用上的疑難雜症排除等。 而是官方立場的容忍栽量權, 對不搬離的佔據用戶容忍態度為何? 我想在官方FAQ資料, 沒有明確記載相關方針, 或許是有因時制宜的彈性政策, 和選擇性個別下手輕或重的差異。 今天問,隔一段時間再問, 得到的答案也許有些調整, 執行措施變嚴或是變鬆。 Mega 官方的[幫助中心文件][1], 沒有寫到這個部分, 但是有提供[技術支持郵件信箱][2], 不懂的部分可以發問。 之前想過一個情境: 前一個付費雲端空間不好用, 到期後不想繳款續約, 想要跳槽轉換到另一家。 前一個合約已屆滿到期, 下一個剛付費開通沒多久。 前一個付空間裡累積的大量資料, 如何省事又省時, 而且不會遺漏檔案, 作好無縫對接轉移。 其中一個時間上的考量, 就是這段過渡期間, 我的檔案還能安穩保留多久, 不會被系統自動刪除。 針對這個問題, 發送郵件提問客服這個問題。 得到的訊息, 簡單來說, 別想佔太多便宜, 到期後檔案只能少不能加, 寬限期限一到檔案還是會砍, 要是掏錢續約,或是打包走人。 —– image 收到的回信時效還蠻迅速, 不過回覆內容鋪陳還蠻禮貌客套。 感覺上沒有直接簡明扼要地回答, 還要再次提問檔案保留期限, 才告訴我後續會怎樣, 不過還是語帶保留沒講白, 留些操作空間。 第一封郵件發問和回覆:

Hi Mega support,    
If paid monthly/annual subscriptions expire,    
my personal pro account is downgraded to free account,    
What happens to my files over storage quota?    
Does your system delete files automatically after a few months of no-payments?    
How long does your system retain my files?    
Dear user,

Thank you for using MEGA.   
If you don't renew your PRO Membership at the end of the term purchased, your account will simply revert to a Free account.   
If you have more than 50GB worth of files, you will receive multiple deletion warnings, so you have a chance to save your files locally or purchase a PRO account.    
If you don't accrue or purchase more quota after 30 days, your account’s uploads will remain suspended and Rubbish Bin will be cleared.   
We appreciate all feedback and are working to improve and integrate new features with this feedback in mind.    


Hi Mega Support,
Thanks for your swift response to my previous e-mail.
I have another similar question.
I understand that my files over storage quota cloud not be added or changed,
but are these files available to downloaded and viewed even if my paid account expired after 30 days?
Are these files over storage quota deleted automatically?
you have 30 days from the day your account has expired to download your files.    
After 30 days, they will be deleted according to our periodical purge, there is not an exact date.    
So, if your PRO account ends today, you will have another 30 days to save your files.   

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