Make small


You can shorten any URL by just typing the address plus the URL you want to shorten.

Just head to your browser's address bar, type "" before the URL (right before its 'http://' part) and hit enter. You can also use "https://" instead if you want to visit over a secure connection.

Unfortunately, this won't work well in many new browsers, including Google Chrome and Chromium, because these automatically remove the 'http://' part from the URL. Because of this, you must add the prefix above described plus 'http://' (in front of the prefix, before the current URL). This means you'll need to type more.

Here's an image explaining what you should do to shorten, for example, a Google search results page URL:

Actual usage

Using Prefix-n-Shorten is not very practical when compared to bookmarklets. This feature can, however, be useful when using a mobile browser, a web browser that doesn't support JavaScript code in bookmarks, or even one that doesn't support bookmarks at all.

Prefix-n-Shorten can also be used by website developers as a simpler alternative to the API when only simple link shortening is needed. For example, to shorten the URL of any page, just have the user be redirected (or click a link) to the prefix above plus the long URL.